Shockwave Therapy
What is Shockwave Therapy?
Shockwave therapy or Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Technology (EPAT®) is the most advanced and highly effective non-invasive treatment method cleared by the FDA. This proprietary technology is based on a unique set of pressure waves that stimulate the metabolism, enhance blood circulation and accelerate the healing process. Damaged tissue gradually regenerates and eventually heals. This non-invasive office/clinic based procedure represents a breakthrough treatment option for a broad range of musculoskeletal conditions.
How Does Shockwave Therapy Work?
The OrthoPulse Ultra 100 available from CuraMedix, is a compressed air ballistic pulse wave generator. The pulse waves in the device are generated with a precision ballistic mechanism in the handpiece. A projectile is accelerated by compressed air. The motion and weight of the projectile produce kinetic energy. When the projectile impacts against an immovable surface, the pulse transmitter, this kinetic energy is converted into sound energy. This acoustic pulse is transmitted into the tissue to be treated either directly or via an acoustic impedance adapter with the help of a gel.

What Are the Benefits of Shockwave Therapy?
Let’s talk about the benefits:
- Evidence-based
- Non-invasive
- No anesthesia required
- No risk of infection
- No scarring
- No downtime
- Over 80% patient satisfaction
- Cost effective
- Faster, easier healing
Rather than further damage an area that has degenerated because of poor blood flow, tissue injury, overuse or weakness, patients like you, who suffer from acute and chronic musculoskeletal pain now have access to an innovative, non-invasive treatment that will get you feeling better faster.
Frequently Asked Questions
What disorders can be treated?
Generally, acute or chronic musculoskeletal pain and/or pain that significantly impairs mobility or quality of life including:
- Foot and ankle (i.e. Plantar fasciitis, Achilles strain, ankle sprains)
- Lower extremity (i.e Hamstring or glute strain, Runner’s/Jumper’s knee, hip bursitis)
- Upper extremity (i.e Bicep’s strain, Golfer’s/Tennis Elbow, Carpal tunnel syndrome)
- Back and chest (i.e. Low back strain)
- Shoulder (i.e Rotator cuff strain)
- Neck (i.e whiplash injury, muscle strain)
- Myofascial trigger points
What are the expected results?
Some patients report immediate pain relief after the treatment, although it can take up to four weeks for pain relief to begin. The procedure eliminates pain and restores full mobility, thus improving your quality of life. Over 80% of patients treated report to be pain free and/or have significant pain reduction.
Is it safe?
Yes. This FDA cleared technology was developed in Europe and is currently used around the globe. A wealth of medical experience, state-of-the-art engineering and optimal quality have been built into each EPAT device, and extensive clinical studies and tests have confirmed its safety and efficacy.
What is the duration of the treatment and how many treatments will I need?
Treatment sessions take approximately 5-10 minutes depending on the disorder to be treated. Generally, at least 3 treatment sessions are necessary at weekly intervals.
What are the possible side effects or complications?
The non-invasive EPAT treatment has virtually no risks or side effects. In some cases, patients may experience some minor discomfort which may continue for a few days. It is normal to have some residual pain after intense exercise or a full day of work.
How is the treatment performed?
Coupling gel is applied to the treatment area of interest to enhance effectiveness. After these preparations, EPAT pressure waves are released via the applicator moved over the area of interest in a circular motion.
Why consider non-invasive EPAT?
EPAT has a proven success rate that is equal to or greater than that of traditional treatment methods (including surgery) and without the risks, complications and lengthy recovery time.
EPAT is:
- Performed in your physician’s office/ clinic
- Does not require anesthesia
- Requires a minimal amount of time
Patients can:
- Bear weight (i.e. walk) immediately,
- Return to work/normal activities within 24-48 hours
- Resume strenuous activities after 4 weeks.
Are there any contraindications for shock wave therapy?
The safety and effectiveness of the EPAT procedure has not been determined on people with the following health conditions. Your doctor will provide you with information about how these and other conditions might affect the decision to perform EPAT procedures.
- Serious cardiovascular disorders
- Implanted cardiac pacemakers that are not approved for pressure wave treatment
- Malignancies
- Pregnancy, breast-feeding
- Phlebitis or deep venous thrombosis in leg
- Cortisone injection within the last 8 weeks into the same region
Interested in finding out more EPAT and if this treatment could help you?
Shockwave therapy is not currently covered by health insurance and is a private out of pocket cost.
3 Treatments for $450 (most conditions only require 3 treatments)
4th and 5th Treatment (if needed) for $100/each
$450 for 3 Treatments (most conditions only require 3 treatments)
$100 for each additional treatment (if needed)
*Shockwave therapy is not currently covered by health insurance and is a private out of pocket cost.*
Clinical Evidence
Clinically relevant effectiveness of focused extracorporeal shock wave therapy in the treatment of chronic plantar fasciitis: a randomized, controlled multicenter study
Gollwitzer, H; Saxena, A; DiDomenico, LA; Galli, L; Bouché, RT; Caminear, DS; Fullem, B; Vester, JC; Horn, C; Banke, IJ; Burgkart, R; Gerdesmeyer, L. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (2015)
Two emerging technologies for Achilles tendinopathy and plantar fasciopathy. Langer PR.
Clinics in Podiatric Medicine and Surgery (2015)
Shockwave therapy for the treatment of chronic proximal hamstring tendinopathy in professional athletes.
Cacchio A, Rompe JD, Furia JP, Susi P, Santilli V, De Paulis F. The American Journal of Sports Medicine (2010)
Low-energy extracorporeal shock wave therapy as a treatment for greater trochanteric pain syndrome.
Furia JP, Rompe JD, Maffulli N. American Journal of Sports Medicine (2009)
High-Energy Extracorporeal Shock-Wave Therapy for Treating Chronic Calcific Tendinitis of the Shoulder: A Systematic Review
Raveendhara R. Bannuru, MD; Nina E. Flavin, MD; Elizaveta Vaysbrot, MD, MS; William Harvey, MD, MSc; and Timothy McAlindon, MD, MPH. Annals of Internal Medicine (2014)
Repetitive shock wave therapy for lateral elbow tendinopathy (tennis elbow): a systematic and qualitative analysis.
Rompe JD, Maffulli N. British Medical Bulletin (2007)
Extracorporeal shock wave therapy in pillar pain after carpal tunnel release: a preliminary study.
Romeo P, d’Agostino MC, Lazzerini A, Sansone VC. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (2011)